17 avril 2011

Wrote this when I was drunk two days ago. About to pass out drunk actually...

Dizzy, tipsy, turning into what I don't want to be, knowing that drunk this will make sense, in a case that sober can't and will discard as fantasy. What is, and what isn't, just hates me and everything that isn't me in a way that I hate nothing.

Because I have thrown myself away into the bottom of a bottle, missing women like i miss deities, imaginary heart throbs, a lesson of times past to never trust nothing that won't kiss you back, mourning the times that you would wake up next to someone that would love you, but now staring at a ceiling that holds more answers than the outside world. Barring ourselves from others. Staring into nobody's gaze is local currency, challenges easily overcomed are spread from the sky to space as one will crawl to see the light.

I'm as desperate as nobody will see.

I'm as faithful as everybody can be.

I hate myself as much as I have faith in what I could be.

I could become as much as I hate myself to be.

I miss love.

I miss you.

I miss myself.

I miss half a kiss to eternity.

I miss the certainty of my actions.

I miss the distraction from personal self-loathing.

I miss the emotionless paralysis coursing through my body as I lay awake,

A stake through my heart,

Knowing that I love nobody,

And that nobody will come tell me the opposite.

And I miss knowing who to love,

As i can only live serving someone at my fullest extent,

As long as that person isn't me.

A sinking feeling is but a natural process, as the unbearable lightness of being nails us down on the plank, feeling every hit with more gruesomeness, indenting what the standard is, and pressing what we hope to be.

I am not against this.

I am not for this.

I am but ignorant to this.

I will flow as far as I can go.

I will float against the current and will swim against everything.

But it won't work.

Because nothing would work.

I hate loving.

As much


I love hating.


its all the same thing in the end.

Sleeping isn't the same if you don't remember about heading there.

Remembering isn't the same if you blur the porridge into puree.

Nothing is yours anymore.

Everything has been done.

You are not special.

Nothing you think is original isn't.

Your love will never be as strong as someone else's.

You always are going to be less alone than someone else.








Your neighbour still is in the deepest shit.


I'm still alive.

Which means you should probably all just stick a weapon to your temple. Because.



17 juin 2010

Playing hangman with numbers.

Erm. I don't know where to start. I know how this is going to end though. Alright. Organizing thoughts. Go.

Every time I visit this blog to write a woeful scribble of what my mind perceives as "Life", I fall in a certain nostalgia of passed times. Different visions of what weights on my shoulders, what chains me down to the cement and beats me into a pulp-like creature that moans in horror to a soulless crowd of "Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi" chanters. Every time I visit this blog, blackening these imaginary pages gets more difficult, as I am getting older and that writing has become something more than just yelling insanities at the world. Its easy to sell diarrhea at the price of mud, but you need skill to pass it off as truffle oil. Or really dumb customers. Made me realize that I can only write when I've been heartbroken, as I don't really give a fuck about anything else. That's why I never was a good artist and why I always cultivated a certain hatred for Mozart's works.

This insomnia thing is making me indifferently emotional, or so to say, stably on the edge. Life has become a big boiled-up bowl of porridge, and porridge SUCKS. Usually I only have to deal with one emotion - sorrow. A tar ball tearing up your insides. A lead anvil that you have to heave everywhere you go. But for some reason, my heart got tired of always getting the same type of misery so the little red pumping bastard introduced anger and fear. I am angry at myself for letting such opportunities get killed by the obvious mindless behaviour that I used, my inability to look at the big picture and assembling all of the puzzle pieces together for that final Eureka before I'm done pummelling nails in my own foot. A prickly shard covered in capsaicin stinging every joint in your body. A teeth-grinding fire scorching your gut every time you think about her and how you failed. Then fear. I'm alienating myself from people nowadays, numbing the beast knocking in my chest by reducing stimuli that can remind me of her. Afraid of sleeping due to the nightmares where you hear her silence and smell her absence. Fear of going through the same pain with another person and losing the ability of living in a society for months to come. A cold wall built with the gasps for air I whispered when I would escape from my haunted sleep. A weather vane pointing at everything you love or loved, only to pull you away from them. Sorrow, anger and fear are the three ingredients to make a man lose his sanity. It is hailing memories of a past time in my heart, and every shard of ice is a reminder of how I fucked up. How dreadful it is now that I fucked up. How fucking stupid of me to have fucked up. And how I will never ever want to fuck up again, no matter the cost - even though it means complete isolation.

Anybody ever noticed that life is based on the gradual loss of faith? You start off young too - losing faith in Santa Claus would be a good example. Then losing faith in the whole "My dad is the strongest" self-assigned myth. The loss of faith in education, the survival of the environment, the government, the good nature of people, the existence of an afterlife, the attainability of happiness, the nature of love, the whole point of life, etc. Ignorance is bliss by shielding yourself from this everlasting destruction of the dreams built by a younger self, the painful realization that nothing will ever be as you like it, as you emote drama shows on TV or rethink the lyrics of that song that you listen to when you're blue. It hits you - nothing makes sense, nothing is worth anything. We are all free to obey fate. For a moment there I lost faith in women and love, and its a hard blow to your life when the reason you're breathing is now choking you out. I went through complete insanity for days at a time, drinking myself to sleep to avoid the thought of lips smeared against mine each time I closed my eyes. To actually force one self to have the thousand yard stare to stop imagining eyes staring back with a smile. I felt the tapeworm of addiction in my brain, digging into my soul, making me worthless and crushed by reality. I looked at people with a glance of bottomless shame, having failed my purpose at making someone else happy. Never consider me as a lover, consider me a servant, or should I say a slave to your wishes. I shall never miss you, I shall miss having a purpose in life - being next to you.

I cannot really remember the last time I was blissful. Certain memories come in mind, but all of them splinter my heart - they date back when I thought someone was walking next to me in life. They were a reason to actually wake up in the morning, because what am I going to do alone? Cower, complain, hate, and have the weight of what I could've been on my shoulders? I don't really know if I actually love people or if I love loving. Love is like propaganda, the feeling is there, but you have to assign a face to it, an opportunity to demonize the feeling with eyes and a kiss that you've forced yourself to forget. I started missing something that I cannot even grasp anymore, an absurd portrait of what society has presented me as love. On the other hand, every time I see her I still feel like a sunken ship, and putting on a plastic smile to deal with the loss, like a grotesque party where everyone is a monster, and you're the only one to arrive in a human costume. Emotions are comparable to atomic bombs - countries are ashamed of having them. Dismantle and destroy the one weapon that could harm humanity as a whole. Bury it deep where nobody will ever see it again, and shun those who wear these bombs on their sleeves.

This isn't an essay or anything, its just something I do to rationalize my thoughts, and battle my insomnia. I still toss and turn while thinking about mementos of another time, battling the expectations and the realities in my head like a never-ending chess game. I am stuck to my habits, clinging to the same details that failed me in an earlier life. I still cannot stare in my own eyes without looking away, or thumping my head against the mirror, regretting something, but what? I'd gladly give a heart to the robot and a brain to the scarecrow, but still cower with the lion. Some thought I was some kind of artist, a person full of imagination and feelings and ideas, able to render life as I see it. No - I just turn colours into different shades of grey. I am no emo kid, I was a dreamer. Now the only dream I have is waking up. Still I exist, and therefore have to spread this parasite that I have in me, or find a cure for it. If you see a girl that can paint my soul back into a Darjeeling Limited, send her my way. She'll come back humming to the colours of Casablanca.


P.S.: Miss you, whoever you are.


17 mars 2010

Modeste et pompon

- Alors, ça va?

Je l'ai regardé avec ma face de crisse moi patience et j'ai tracé le vide laissé par mes cernes à l'aide de mes index. Il a arrêté de me poser des questions stupides.

J'ai l'impression que me plaindre est devenu chose courante, un talent que j'exerce avec un certain brio, pouvant nuancer comment la vie est un pute pis tu meurs ou juste laisser des p'tits commentaires suggestifs de mon mal-être. Je suis amer. Je bois amer. Insomnie et sueurs froides causés par une boulimie tabagique. Au moins ma peau a arrêté de grouiller comme si j'étais une carcasse de cheval en décomposition. Bah. Juste un résumé de comment je me sens ces temps-ci. Impatient, dégoûté, seul, fatigué. J'ai juste envie de retomber en amour... ou qu'elle retombe en amour avec moi. J'ai envie de fumer les problèmes de mon corps. Et dormir. Et faire des champignons magiques pour pouvoir me redécouvrir.


Du râlage.



16 décembre 2009

90 days. During 90 days i was the king of the world. Now im just staring down on my empire of dirt and just want to destroy all the memories of purpose. Sleeping is for the weak. Empty bottles are tenants in my bedroom. I lay next to a guitar I never played. The ceiling is the only thing staring back at me nowadays.

The nights have grown cold, and the days colder.

Being alive is a metaphor.

Home is just another place I don't want to be.

Being heartbroken is like having our soul being held at gunpoint.

Except you're the one pulling the trigger

Now being awaken by a kiss means you've been dreaming.

Now dreaming has become a curse.

Now the only music that could express your sadness is silence.

When you have a double bed and only sleep on one side of it.

Sigh. Anyway.

Alexandra leaving

She made me listen to this song the first time we met. "Its a song about me", she said. These memories of her overshadow my life nowadays. Everything is in black and white except when I close my eyes, and see her looking at me again. I've turned into a blind man, drinking his sorrows away, hibernating from all the outside world. Even though I sleep in 12 hour intervals, I still feel tired, I feel like the world is crushing me from the inside out. I just... fuck. She was the one. And I feel like I blew it. I was waiting for a girl like that for almost 10 years now, and she's gone now. I still love her. I would just stop everything now to be with her again. Being alive is against my natural instinct, and its slowly driving me crazy. God... I didn't cry at my father's funeral, nor at his death, but I would just whimper like a kid if I just see her again.

I cannot study.

I cannot breathe.

I cannot blink.

I cannot live without loving.

I cannot live without being loved.

I am the eternally cursed poet.

I am the senseless romantic.

I am my own downfall.

I am as good as dead when she's not there.

7 décembre 2009

The road is leading to nowhere. It’s cold and the window’s open but hot air is still whipping my face, as I maxed out the heater. Nightdriving is always better when pointless, the rabbit in your headlights being solely a reflection of self. An aching heart numbed by the sifting landscape insulting the notion of knowing – getting lost in your motorized living room. Swigs of cheap liquor make me forget the numbing stings of waking up alone and needy. I am alone with the world, not on a racetrack, but on a railroad. A clink and I know the cigarette lighter’s bright coil is crispy. I stare at it, not knowing if I should brand my skin with a scar or burn up the cancer stick stuck between my lips. The thought of the smell of burning flesh makes me shiver, so I enjoy a drag of the tobacco, even though I know it’s a bank loan on my longevity. Fuck it, I spend more time trying to avoid life than actually going through its gears – I guess I’m literally living the dream then. Another car drives by, and I imagine myself colliding with it, seeing my face crashing on the wheel, brains spewed all over the windshield, the seatbelt bruising my skin, breaking my rib cage as my insides are turned to mince. Nah. I couldn’t stand being responsible for the death of the soul in the other car, seeing the barely recognizable face of a crying woman whose mascara dripped down her tear-ridden cheeks as she exhaled her last breath. No. Just focus on the road and don’t let the crazed driver kill you. Just let the road forget about her. And please. Don’t start sobbing.

14 mars 2009


Un excellent blogue de jokes historiques... si vous voulez vous régaler.

Commencez par cette page, la première BD est tellement drôle:


Désolé, pas le temps d'écrire comme tel! Peut-être plus tard, dans une semaine peut-être...


18 février 2009

En passant - encore

J'reviens à Riki pour samedi le 21. Semaine de relâche!!


28 janvier 2009


Nouveau post sur Maestro, musique après tant de temps. Enjoy.

-Jack- J'écoute un mashup de Feist et de Eminem haha. Girl Talk rules.

26 décembre 2008

Camels and parliaments.


Le goût poivré mais fade de la fumée secondaire des cigarettes hivernales m'étreint l'esprit pendant un moment. L'envie me prend de me brûler une petite clope autour de ces gens baisant avec leur bière dans l'espoir de mettre les mains sur quelque chose, ou quelqu'un de nouveau. Pas pour rien qu'une bière porte une robe et a une teinte capillaire particulière. J'ai un goût pour la bière comparable mon bon goût côté femmes. Problème est que je ne peux jamais les apprécier à leur juste mesure, aimant ma bière très froide, cachant les effluves dégagées par le breuvage. La comparaison s'arrête là, car les parfums féminins me rendent tristement fous, ayant le nez d'un fox terrier. J'aurais voulu des meilleurs yeux seigneur.

Lâche et las, la fumée expirée reste suspendue pendant un court moment avant de s'évaporer comme si rien n'était. J'ai l'impression d'avoir laissé partir un peu de moi même, chaque bouffée criant pour un retour à mes poumons avant de se dissoudre dans l'absolu, accompagnés d'un soupir. Je plains presque ces bouffées de poison. Feignant un sourire je regarde par dessus mon épaule, et utilisant le truc "je-cherche-un-ami-mais-en-fait-je-la-regarde-de-travers" je l'entrevois, souriante comme toujours, sirotant sur dieu sait quel breuvage qui est en spécial au bar aujourd'hui. Je n'existe pas, comme d'habitude. D'ailleurs, je ne veux pas exister. Mettre ma vie hors de ses rails seulement pour jouer à la roulette russe de l'amour m'a déçu assez de fois, et ce n'est que mon mécanisme de défense qui est entré en jeu. Je m'exècre pour être un lâche, mais au fin fond de moi, j'en suis reconnaissant. C'est ce qui me permet de me regarder encore dans le miroir en se disant: "Non, t'es quand même pas trop pire, t'inquiètes.", malheureusement ce qui me permet encore de me réveiller les membres entremêlés à mes couvertures, ne se rappellant jamais quel cauchemar a bien pu hanter notre nuit de sommeil pourtant ravigorante. Je suis vacciné contre les rêves, le mal de l'imagination débridée et tortionnaire. Ramper est-il de nature? Les étoiles sur mes genoux sont-ils qu'illusion?


Ce qui importe c'est que cette demoiselle est douloureusement heureuse. Bordel, je me sens comme la grande faucheuse ces jours-ci. Fumer la mort lente ne donne pas un sens à ma vie, nuance, mais une direction. Comme ces étudiants dans l'histoire d'une autre brique dans le mur, deuxième partie, je suis sur un convoyeur vers l'abattoir. Du hachis mi-maigre, modestement. Tout ce qui me reste à faire c'est de mettre ce mégot dans la bière d'un mec et espérer que j'en ressors gagnant. Que je fasse saigner mes jointures sur la tempe d'un inconnu serait la meilleure chose à faire ce soir.
